Growth and expansion is the name of the game in the vibrant and booming Central Texas area – none more so than Austin. The population increase signals one thing: more developments are coming. The Saint Elmo Public Market is one of those projects. And, it’s expected to open this summer!


In the works for some time now, Saint Elmo Public Market, located off South Congress Avenue in South Austin, is a place to shop, eat, meet and work. Here, strangers become friends and a neighborhood becomes a community. Once complete, the project will feature office buildings with ground level retail space highlighting vendors who wish to showcase their creative goods and services, apartments, a marketplace, and extensive parking structures. The developers of the…

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According to recent information provided by the Austin Business Journal, rezoning, permitting, along with possible removal of the current 1,000 apartments could likely take at least three years. Once construction begins, the Project Catalyst is expected to be built in five phases with five-year breaks between each phase to allow for immersion – taking a total of three decades to complete. 


Jumping into the Austin development scene just six months ago was Project Catalyst, a massive mixed-use project at the intersection of East Riverside Drive and Pleasant Valley Road – basically next door to Oracle’s new Lakeshore campus. However, very little was known about the overall scope of the project.

 A still from the Project…

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